Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the country. Simply stated, it is the placement of breast implants just above or below the pectoralis muscles to change the size or shape of the breasts. Women visit Freeman Plastic Surgery for breast augmentation at our Idaho Falls office from Jackson Hole, Twin Falls, Boise, and Pocatello, Idaho, as well as throughout Wyoming and the Rockies. Patients as far as Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah, are willing to travel hours to see Dr. Freeman and benefit from his experience and excellent results.

Why Choose Breast Augmentation

Our patients choose breast augmentation surgery for different reasons. The vast majority of breast augmentation patients are seeking natural-looking results to match their body proportions. Other patients have noticed a significant loss of breast volume over time and would like to return to a more youthful appearance.

Breast Augmentation
 Before & After Photos


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How Much Is Breast Augmentation Surgery in Idaho?

The price of your breast augmentation procedure is highly individualized due to the varying techniques and implants that can be used. However, we base our surgical costs on the national average, as determined annually by The Aesthetic Society.

Following your initial consultation, we will provide you with a detailed breakdown of costs and can discuss with you some of the financing options available.

Breast Implant Options

Breast implants come in a variety of shapes, profiles, fills, sizes, and surface textures that will be discussed during your consultation. We will spend a good deal of time discussing the different implant options that you have and the goals you are hoping to achieve. I have access to hundreds of breast implants, and together we will determine which implant is right for your breast augmentation surgery.


Most breast implants are either round or anatomic in shape. The implant shape that is right for you usually depends on the breast shape that you prefer. While I allow all of my patients to choose the shape of the implant they prefer, some patients have a breast or chest wall contour that would be best suited for a particular implant shape.


Round implants have different profiles or diameters for the same volume of implant. Therefore, an implant that contains 350cc of saline can be either broader or more narrow at the base. As a rule, the more narrow the implant, the more it projects or “sticks out.”

  • Low profile: Has a wide base and less projection. This is a great option for women who have a wider chest or want a subtle, natural look.
  • Moderate profile: Has a medium-width base and projection. This versatile implant increases overall fullness, enhances cleavage, and provides natural-looking results.
  • High profile: Has a narrow base and provides maximum projection. It is often the implant profile of choice for those seeking noticeable cleavage.

The best profile for you will depend on your unique anatomy and the breast shape you are hoping to attain.

Fill Material

All breast implants currently available contain an outer shell made of silicone. This shell may be filled with either a saline solution (salt water) or a silicone gel. Most implants placed in the U.S. in the 90s and early 2000s were filled with saline. However, in 2006 the FDA reapproved the use of silicone implants for breast augmentation patients over the age of 22. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, although most patients do prefer silicone. We will review the benefits of each together.


The size of your implants is one of the most important decisions that you will make, therefore you shouldn’t feel rushed. We will have a separate appointment set aside and dedicated entirely to finding the perfect size breast implants for you. I developed specific techniques that will assist you in choosing the perfect sized implant. The sizing process does take a little time and preparation, but your great result will be worth it.

VECTRA® 3-D Imaging

The VECTRA 3-D imaging system is an excellent resource available to help you decide about your breast augmentation options. Many women try to imagine how they would look with different sized implants. The VECTRA system removes much of the guesswork, providing a realistic, 3-D simulation of what your results might look like. VECTRA uses advanced software to combine your image with medical data to provide potential results that can be viewed from different angles.

Vectra® 3-D

Visualize the results of your facial, body, or breast procedure before surgery. The VECTRA system combines your image with medical data to create a highly realistic 3-D simulation.

Learn More

Galaflex Soft Tissue Support

At Freeman Plastic Surgery, we are pleased to offer additional soft tissue support, Galaflex, for certain breast procedures to extend the longevity of your operative result. Galaflex is an FDA-approved, bioresorbable scaffold that is placed under the skin at the time of surgery. It has a lattice-like, open pore knit pattern that allows for tissue ingrowth- much like vines on a wooden lattice. As it is made from a biocompatible polymer, it safely reabsorbs in 18-24 months leaving your own strengthened tissue to provide the added support.

Our surgeons like to use Galaflex to help reinforce the placement of an implant or breast tissue, which is why this mesh is colloquially referred to as an internal bra. As we age our skin loses collagen and the strength required to support our natural tissue or even a new implant. By using Galaflex in selected patients, we can help combat these forces to extend the longevity of your operative outcome.

We would be happy to discuss Galaflex and if it’s the right option for you during a consultation. Please call us at (208) 881-5351 to make an appointment.

What To Expect

Breast augmentation is one of the most common procedures that I perform. If done in the correct setting, it is a very safe and satisfying surgery. I meet my patients before surgery to review all of the choices made and look over the implants that are to be used. The surgery takes about 90 minutes from the time that you drift off to sleep until you awaken in our comfortable recovery suite with a nurse by your side. While in recovery, you will be encouraged to rest and allow the “sleepy” feeling to clear. Once fully awake, we will talk with you and your caregiver about what to expect over the next few days. I am always available to you and your caregivers by phone and will meet with you the day following surgery.


You will return home from surgery with your breasts bandaged and wearing a supportive medical bra. From the time you get home, you will be encouraged to take frequent, short, gentle walks to promote circulation and minimize swelling. Many women feel like going out for dinner the night of their surgery. Your post-op instructions will include information about incision care and implant massage that you will need to follow diligently.

Recovery Milestones

  • Showering: 48 hours
  • Returning to nonstrenuous jobs and school: 3 to 5 days
  • Bruising and swelling fade: 3 to 4 weeks
  • Bathing and swimming allowed: 4 weeks
  • Implants drop: 6 to 8 weeks
  • Resume nonstrenuous exercise and lifting small children: 2 weeks
  • Resume strenuous exercise: gradually resume 3 to 6 weeks
  • Final results achieved: 6 to 12 weeks
  • Scars fade: 6 to 12+ months

Tips for a Successful Recovery

To achieve the best results and ensure a safe, smooth recovery, we recommend you follow our tips below:

  • Avoid alcohol prior to and following surgery
  • Avoid smoking prior to and following surgery to aid in healing
  • Avoid strenuous activity during the first couple of weeks
  • Keep incisions clean and dry
  • Sleep on your back to avoid putting pressure on the breasts
  • Wear a compression garment or supportive bra
  • Avoid sun exposure on your incision area for the first year after surgery for the best scar outcome

Meet Our Surgeons

Mark E. Freeman, MD Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Mark E. Freeman, MD Meet Dr. Freeman

Matthew Hagan, MD Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Matthew Hagan, MD Meet Dr. Hagan

Credentials You Can Trust

Dr. Freeman's and Dr. Hagan's credentials Dr. Freeman's and Dr. Hagan's credentials

Dr. Freeman’s Personal Philosophy on Breast Augmentation

Because breast augmentation is one of my favorite procedures, I invested a great deal of time and effort into refining my skills while in Los Angeles and Florida. Unfortunately, some see breast augmentation as a “one size fits all” operation, where the same techniques are applied to every patient. While this type of typical “boob job” is easily picked out, I take a completely different, personalized approach.

I Customize Every Breast Augmentation

I see each patient as a unique individual, thus it is vital to customize the surgery to best suit her personal desires to ensure a more natural outcome. Individual factors such as height, weight, size and shape of the ribcage, elasticity of the skin, breast shape, nipple position and amount of existing breast tissue are all used to formulate a unique and customized plan for each patient.

I Listen to What My Patients Want

While some women want large round implants, others desire natural, shapely breasts. There is no one correct size or approach to the ideal breasts. I believe it is important to understand your wishes and expectations so that we can meet your goals together.

I Guide Patients Through Their Options

Vast amounts of information—both beneficial and false—abound online and in the media concerning breast implants, which can be confusing. I view my role as a guide through this puzzling process and will use my experience to help you understand the numerous options available. Using my surgical skills, together with your honest objectives, we will discuss how best to achieve your goals during a consultation.

Breast Augmentation FAQ

Are silicone implants safe?

The FDA has found no link between silicone breast implants and disease. Numerous studies have verified the safety of silicone breast implants, which have been used safely throughout the world for decades. Many people have seen disgusting pictures of older liquid silicone implants that could form a “gooey” puddle. The good news is that these liquid implants are a thing of the past. Newer silicone gel implants are made of thick gels that are more cohesive. These more cohesive implants actually maintain their shape even when cut in half, similar to a jelly bean or gummy bear. Should you decide to remove your implants, we can safely do so with breast implant removal or “explant” surgery.

Where do you put the scar?

We will discuss the different incision choices that you have and the benefits of each. I have experience using each type of incision and I am happy to leave that decision up to you. In most cases, the approach or incision does not affect the creation of the ideal pocket for the implant. I use delicate, advanced techniques to shape the pocket and breast to obtain your ideal shape and contour.

What’s the difference between breast augmentation and breast lift surgery?

Breast augmentation adds volume to the breasts with an implant. A breast lift removes lax, stretched out skin, and raises and reshapes the breasts. If you have mild sagging, the implant might provide a slight lift to the breasts. Women who want fuller, more shapely breasts usually need a combination of the 2 procedures.

Can my breast augmentation procedure be combined with other procedures?

Breast augmentation surgery can usually be combined with other procedures for a complete enhancement. I often combine a breast lift with breast augmentation for a comprehensive breast rejuvenation. Breast augmentation can also be combined with body contouring procedures such as liposuction or tummy tuck for a mommy makeover.

When can I expect to see the final result?

In general, I tell most of my patients that they can expect to look great in a bikini or bra at 2 to 3 weeks. However, the implants take weeks to “settle” into position, so you won’t reach your ideal shape until around 2 months. Because of differences in the size of the muscle and implants, some breast augmentation patients may take more time to obtain their final result.

Will my implants need to be replaced at some point in the future?

Implants don’t last forever; most patients will need them exchanged during their lifetime. We offer in-office ultrasound exams to visualize the outer shell of the implant and determine if there are any defects or leakage of the implant material. Call us to set up a consultation so we can jointly decide what options are right for you and your implants.

What if I get pregnant, will I still be able to breastfeed?

Breast implants should not interfere with milk production or breastfeeding. Steps can be taken to optimize your chances such as placing the implants under the chest muscles and avoiding incisions near the nipples. During your consultation, I recommend letting your surgeon know about your desire to become pregnant and breastfeed in the future.

If you’re ready to start your breast augmentation journey, please request a consultation online or call (208) 881-5351.

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