Ditching the Double Chin With CoolSculpting®: How It Works & What to Expect

Woman feels her neck after a CoolSculpting for chin treatment.

The double chin is one of the most notorious pockets of stubborn fat many people struggle with. Even those dedicated to a healthy lifestyle often find themselves frustrated as they try to slim the area down or disguise it on camera. Unfortunately, like any localized area of fat, it cannot be “spot treated” with dedicated dieting or exercise. However, it is possible to contour a more sculpted jaw with CoolSculpting, and many of my Idaho Falls patients are enjoying their slimmer-looking jawlines thanks to the treatment.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at how this nonsurgical body contouring procedure helps you say goodbye to the double chin for good.

How does CoolSculpting get rid of a double chin?

You may have heard CoolSculpting referred to as “freezing the fat,” and that is essentially how it works. CoolSculpting induces a process called cryolipolysis, which destroys fat cells by dropping them to precise low temperatures. Once these fat cells are frozen, they naturally die off and are eliminated by the body, leaving behind a slimmer treated area.

This process works on just about any pocket of excess fat, but the CoolMini applicator is specifically designed to fit snugly under the chin. By freezing and reducing that notoriously stubborn fat below the chin, also called “submental fat,” the treatment gives you a slimmer and more sculpted neck and jawline.

What is it like to get CoolSculpting on the chin and neck?

Part of what makes CoolSculpting so popular is that it requires little to no downtime and absolutely no needles, incisions, or anesthesia. At the start of your treatment, your provider will fit the device under your chin. You will feel a bit of suction as the applicator pulls the fat in to be treated. Then, you feel some intense cold that soon translates into numbness. For the next 45 minutes or so, you will be free to relax, read, or even nap.

At the end of your treatment, you will likely experience some redness and tingling or a thawing feeling under your chin. This may last a couple of days, but it should not stop you from returning immediately to your usual routine, including work and exercise. Learn more about what to expect before, during, and after CoolSculpting in this previous blog post.

How long do CoolMini results last?

With any CoolSculpting treatment, results are long-lasting, especially when you maintain a healthy lifestyle and a stable weight. Should you gain weight in the future, you will likely gain it more evenly across your body rather than collecting it in the same stubborn deposit below your chin.

Are there any other treatments I should try?

For some people, surgically suctioning out submental fat with liposuction proves to be a better alternative. If you have a substantial amount of excess fat in this area or are looking for a dramatic transformation of your chin and neck, liposuction may be worth considering. You will have the opportunity to discuss all your options at your consultation, but you can start your research with this blog post comparing CoolSculpting and liposuction benefits.

To see examples of the results you can expect after CoolSculpting, please visit our before-and-after photo gallery.

If you would like to learn more about chin and neck contouring options at our Idaho Falls plastic surgery location, please contact us online or call (208) 881-5351.

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